Mike Tells Megan How Not To Date

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Notebook vs. The Chapelle Show

Megan: gooooooood morning!
Mike: good morning
Mike: how was your weekend?
Megan: great
Mike: i smell a yoga boy story
Megan: so sunday
Mike: yoga
Mike: 10:50
Mike: you're whipped already
Megan: :P
Megan: took him to this funny diner in chinatown after, he was suitably impressed by my coolness
Megan: then we walked around in the rain for awhile, he bought me this cool fruit from thailand that was so yummy
Mike: awww how cusack
Megan: of course he knew about it because he'd been there
Megan: so then we went back to his place, watched shopgirl
Megan: (good movie, btw)
Mike: when was the funeral?
Megan: and he was in a skeeball tournament that night, so i went to watch/cheer him on
Megan: funeral?
Mike: here lies "Boyboycott". It was a short but fulfilling life…
Megan: hahaha
Megan: well
Megan: we'll see
Mike: who are you kidding
Megan: so basically we hung out for about 12 hours yesterday
Megan: and it was fun
Mike: "we'll see" means "i hope he continues to like me"
Mike: because you're obviously smitten
Megan: thanks for the confidence boost!
Megan: well, i am
Megan: but i'm still a little wary
Mike: mhmm
Megan: the whole 2 years/2 months thing
Mike: a little wary means
Mike: "i know i shouldnt throw caution to the wind, but im going to anyway and atleast i can say i was wary if it all goes south"
Mike: i mean, what is wary?
Mike: what does it mean?
Megan: it means that i'm trying not to expect anything
Mike: ok thats a good answer
Megan: but i met a few of his friends last night, they'd all heard of me as the yoga partner
Megan: i hope that's good, at least they'd heard of me
Mike: no reason why they wouldnt
Megan: it was a lovely time
Megan: and now i just have to not get neurotic waiting for him go call/im me
Mike: so meg
Mike: I’m starting to get the sense you’re a romantic
Megan: um, i suppose i am
Megan: sort of
Megan: not a mushy, poetry kind, tho
Megan: i feel that poetry is cheesy, usually
Mike: right
Mike: but an autumn in ny kind of girl
Mike: no?
Megan: i guess
Megan: i've only had two romantic boyfriends, and i did like it very much
Megan: but they're hard to find
Mike: good
Megan: so if you were yogaboy how long would you wait to contact me?
Megan: i'm trying not to think about it, but it's kind of driving me crazy
Mike: ugh
Mike: you fall hard
Mike: what happened to: Megan: it means that i'm trying not to expect anything
Megan: okay, okay!
Megan: i'm not thinking about it
Megan: i have a busy week
Mike: but you are
Megan: and should focus on work and social life
Megan: not boys
Megan: you are right
Mike: of course im right
Mike: would you have a blog about my advice if i was ever wrong?
Mike: :-P
Megan: lol
Mike: listen flash you need to slow way down
Mike: i dont like this head over heels nonsense
Mike: it doesnt bode well for the blog
Mike: i didnt create it, but i have to protect it's interests
Megan: hahaha
Megan: ok, ok
Mike: if you go having some bf you have far fewer adventures
Megan: haha
Megan: don't worry, my flakey funny friend is dragging me out on saturday night to entertain her brother (basically an unstated double date)
Mike: then it becomes "wah I wanted to watch The Notebook and he wouldnt turn off the Chappelle Show"


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