Mike Tells Megan How Not To Date

Friday, August 25, 2006

Yogaboy gets Yellow Light

Megan: okay, so i have a question for you
Mike: shoot
Megan: so i bumped into this guy that i interned with recently
Megan: we go to the same gym
Mike: haha
Mike: more fodder for the blog
Mike: fantastic
Megan: so this weekend we went to yoga together, and then got lunch after
Megan: and walked around a bit
Megan: he said he'd call
Mike: hes gay
Megan: then he im'd me and asked me to go to a movie
Megan: so we went last night, and it was fun
Mike: IM sorry that was a sweeping stereotypical generalization and i retract.
Mike: oh really?
Megan: and afterwards we got some food and drinks, and he asked me if i had been in any relationships during the two years that since we last saw eachother
Mike: no mention of yogaboy yest to me
Mike: booo
Megan: i said, you know, eh, a few, nothing longer than 6 months
Megan: and he said that he'd been in a 2 year relationship that ended 2 months ago
Mike: thats a strange question to ask
Megan: yeah
Megan: well, it was kind of a "this is definitely becoming a date and not just hanging out" moment, so he asked if i was seeing anyone, that led into it
Megan: but my question is, should i be really worried that he just got out of a long relationship?
Mike: thats the right question- not "how many people have you been with"
Mike: yikes.
Mike: yes.
Megan: LOL
Megan: yeah, that is def the wrong question
Mike: hes lonely
Megan: okay, how worried
Mike: well
Megan: hmmmm
Mike: he might be addicted to companionship
Mike: which isnt healthy
Mike: could mean hes needy
Megan: true
Mike: and probably insecure
Megan: he seems fairly well-adjusted
Megan: and he's pretty confident
Mike: i base that on his "past relationships" question
Mike: what do you want to know?
Mike: if you should date him?
Mike: who broke up with who in their relationship?
Megan: i guess i already know what you're going to say
Mike: no because i havent made up my mind yet
Megan: he seems to be the break-upper, he said it was an amicable end
Mike: right
Mike: didnt want to sound weak
Megan: he also mentioned that it was a last year of college thing that just kept going for another year
Mike: if thats true it bodes a little better for him
Megan: i'm still confused, tho, he's been nothing but nice and decent, went to yoga with me, i mean obviously he's a guy and wants what all guys want, but he's been really cool and fun
Megan: and he's a good kisser
Megan: lol
Mike: well
Megan: yes, oh wise sage?
Mike: hes not random
Mike: so hes an upgrade
Megan: hahaha
Megan: he makes ice cubes with grapes in them
Mike: he's so gay
Megan: and didn't get offended when his roommate and i teased him about being martha stewart
Megan: def not gay
Mike: just because you rolled the dice doesnt mean hes always on the same team
Megan: i promise
Megan: i am absolutely certain
Megan: not gay
Mike: why so certain?
Mike: i mean
Mike: i dont know anything about this guy except a) ice cubes with grapes and b) yoga
Megan: well, if he were gay he wouldn't have been as excited when we were kissing last night
Megan: he played lacrosse, works out with weights almost every day, and works in Interactive
Mike: ok so probably not
Mike: although those lacrosse players can get sloppy
Mike: i dont know
Megan: mike!
Mike: yellow light
Megan: your whole job is to tell me how not to date!
Megan: okay, yellow light
Mike: you want me to tell you not to date him?
Megan: NO!
Megan: i like him so far
Megan: okay, so when he left he asked me what i was doing this weekend
Megan: i reminded him about my concert trip
Megan: he told me he's still expecting me at yoga the next morning, 10:50
Megan: and then said he'd call
Megan: analyze, mike, analyze!
Mike: well
Mike: it sounds like hes got his target set on you
Mike: but
Mike: keep this in mind
Mike: a) he just broke up with a long term relationship. There is a void he is trying to fill rather quickly
Mike: and b) if this falls apart you need to find a new gym
Megan: LOL
Megan: okay, sage advice
Megan: i'm already looking for a new gym!
Mike: ok
Mike: red flag
Megan: what?
Mike: if hes coming off a long and potentially rocky relationship
Megan: yes
Mike: hes in full "play the field mode"
Mike: date him with the understanding that
Megan: that could be true
Mike: you're probably not his only lead
Megan: ew
Mike: or his only date this week even
Megan: this is why i boyboycott
Megan: sheesh
Mike: ha
Megan: well, i asked if he had anyone who might consider herself his girlfriend, and he said no, he wasn't seeing anyone at all
Mike: uh huh
Mike: and a guy who got out of jail hasnt robbed any banks yet
Mike: doesnt mean hes not trying to secure a getaway car


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